Monday, 30 September 2013

Running in Circles or Walking the Deserts

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Going Live October 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.

Running in circles or walking the deserts, are both as different as night and day, and yet, in actual fact, are much more alike than we think, as both are losing a very similar battle, watching hope, dignity and joy, descend into the abyss...unnecessarily.

Where is the fun of having a boat, for example, and no time to use it or share it?

Where is the hope in walking miles for a cup of water, in scorching heat, to do so repetitively, day in and day out, when across the world, that very same cup of water is at their fingertips?

What is the point of having a business, when the business owns you, leaving no time for you and/or your family or friends?

When does the challenge end, preparing the same meals, if anything at all, over and over again, where someone, somewhere else, is browsing a banquet of innumerable variety?

How exciting is it, to know you want to visit family, and cannot afford to?

Why is it some can travel the world, while others live day to day, in hopes of surviving it?

Enough already!

Whether you live in  AsiaAfricaNorth AmericaSouth AmericaAntarcticaEurope, or Australia, you can have all the hope and dignity and joy in your life as you desire, if you are willing to share a miracle by imploring the power of empathy.

Aiming to go live, the week of October 14th, 2013.

"If, the only thing standing between you and never having to worry about money again, your whole life, was to take a miracle, and pay it forward to just 5 people, whom you love and/or respect the most (or even an enemy), that would ultimately cost you only $5 a month to keep it, would you do it?"

PS...UM Inc., is not about money, but rather, about principles, and people and hope and dignity and trust, and accountable and integral leadership, and the very solution that can take anyone and everyone into the experience of a lifetime, with an income stream that becomes self-funding...thus the miracle!

Do not give up hope...Do not quit on life or yourself and/or your family...because YOU ARE WORTH MORE and the 17 years worth of study and research to bring this very solution to you!

See you soon! 

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Going Live October 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning. 

Friday, 27 September 2013

You Can Win by Putting More in The Bank Than What is Coming Out

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Going Live October 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.

Maxed Out: Just so you know why you're not alone

You can win by putting more in the bank than what is coming out, by receiving ongoing monthly raises, by taking advantage of a system where nobody loses; everyone wins right alongside their own escalating self worth.

Our membership company, about to go live mid-October, 2013, will allow two key things to take place:
  1. Access to a membership of a different league (people-first, accountable leadership), that provides credible, positive and relevant, educational, inspirational and leadership courses and materials that will continue to grow, as a library, and in inventorial value, for as little as $5 a month...including renowned household names; all material is specifically designed in layman (easy, easy, easy) terms, capitalizing on the KISS principle while good old fashion logic and common sense helps lead us back to the basics of real, face to face living, in an attempt to rebuild long lost self-esteem and self worth.
  2. A pyramid-free, self funding, membership referral system that can almost immediately begin generating a passive monthly residual income (monthly raise), that will continue to grow automatically and legally, for the benefit of all participating members, keeping everyone ahead of the constantly rising cost of living; ahead of the eight ball of life and no longer behind it.  
By allowing the absoluteness of mathematics (numbers don't lie) to work in our favour, automatically, when we put the true power of empathy into action (realizing our membership miracle can also benefit those whom we love and/or respect the most, also), life takes on new meaning.

Give this following question some real serious thought, and then, keep watch for us going live!

"If, the only thing standing between you and never having to worry about money again, your whole life, was to take a miracle and pay it forward to just 5 people whom you love and/or respect the most, that would ultimately cost you only $5 a month to keep it, would you do it?"

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Going Live October 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning. 

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Can You Afford to Deny The Truth

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Going Live October 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.

Can you relate? Can you afford to deny the truth? 

A good friend (Working PT only) told me, not quite 2 years ago now, about her new (new to her) vehicle she had just purchased/financed; $435 p/m for 72 months ($31,320--actually worth maybe $21K), thanks to the smooth talking sales-guy. Meanwhile, with more than 4 years to pay, she is already having issues on this 'JEEP CHEROKEE.' Let's say she gets another year out of her vehicle, following this Canadian winter of 2013, before serious issues take over; that leaves 3 more years at $435 p/m AND/OR will have to refinance (stock piling debt) into one bigger payment, meaning, perhaps back to 6 years again, or longer, so her payments are affordable.

QUESTION 1: Could your $200-$500 p/m car payment, not be put to better use for you and your family, than into the hands of your bank/finance company? 

QUESTION 2: What if you had another income source that could make said payment for you, or better still, enabled you, or anyone, to actually turn long-term debt into short-term (3-12 months), if needed at all, and affordably, by paying cash or placing good sized down payments?

Reality is, is that the ZEAL Referral Membership element, added on to the Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., package, expected to go live by mid-October 2013, cannot help but effectively, affordably ($5 p/m) and legally, provide all members, this stress-free environment--so you are encouraged from the sidelines, to watch and monitor closely the new possibilities for you and your family.

PS...I can appreciate hesitancy and reservations, scepticism and doubts, for yours truly has lost just shy of $50,000 at the hands of every kind of con imaginable, online and off, since 1996, on its trek to find this much needed solution. However, as with the Abraham Lincoln's, Thomas Edison's, Wright Brothers, Steve Jobs', Bill Gates' and on and on and on, who were determined to bring to light the very solutions in which they have become renowned, UM Inc., is and will be no different, other than the area of need in which it provides the solution being presented, while believing, that every human being must have the freedom to choose when it comes to eating rice, hotdogs or prime rib, right alongside everyone else, no matter their geographical location, colour of skin or societal status, which can all be accomplished using a self-funding, hierarchal-free, financial system.

Watch closely, my friends to be, watch closely...:) 

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Going Live October 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning. 

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Announcement: 10 Attendee Appreciation Gifts Will Be Awarded

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., October 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.

From the Audio Book 
"Kevin Simpson's Unselfish MOTIVES" 
(2 min 36 seconds)

... as author himself has said, "what good is a man if he is not a man of his word"

Expecting site to go LIVE the week of October 14, 2013

Our very first Webinar will be scheduled within three weeks
of going LIVE

10 Attendee Appreciation Gifts Will Be Awarded

You are worth it...and together...we are about to change the world, LITERALLY!

Monitor this blog post between now and October 14 closely

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., October 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning. 

Monday, 23 September 2013

Monotony Breeds Boredom So We Eat

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Going Live October 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.

In respects to a FB post in reference to this link - - yours truly made the following comment that I wanted to add alongside this video.

Monotony breeds boredom—K.M.S - With that said, with boredom we eat, and when we eat fast food and junk and baked goods, and drink aspartame filled pop/sodas, that offers us nothing more than 'empty calories,' which in turn drives us to eat more, results in obesity; I'm no doctor but I think I'm pretty close!

Earlier this year (2013), President Obama went all out and called for an increase in the federal minimum wage to at least $9 an hour, currently at $7.25.

Big dollars as a Chef in Mexico runs $95.75 a day (Average is $64.76 p/d) = a whopping $7.47 USD p/d

Minimum wage in Canada is $10.25.

SO IN ALL FAIRNESS, how could anyone get bored and complain making big bucks like this, especially North Americans being so ungrateful when they also get two (2) weeks vacation time tossed in each year?

Yes, I am being facetious, however, I personally do not find this funny, and no one anywhere deserves to be treated in such an indignant and disrespectful fashion; ALL PEOPLE are worth more, much more...and UM Inc., is launching a solution for anyone interested in leaving 2013 in their dust and taking 2014 by storm....


Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Going Live October 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning. 

Sunday, 22 September 2013

The Heart of the Matter - October 2013

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc.
 October 2013 
A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning

After speaking with our programmer and estimating the week of October 14th, 2013 as being the time we will release to the world, an opportunity to lead us into what yours truly is identifying as 'the age of equality,' and because of the sensitivity of this topic, considering we humans are adverse to change, a strong emphasis is placed on our need to be honest with the person looking back at us in the mirror, as we ponder the following.

... When was the last time I had zero debt? Why not short term debt as the norm?

... When was the last time I never had to worry about a credit card payment as a result of zero balance? Why not zero credit card balance as the norm?

... When was the last time I received a hefty car repair bill and never had to charge it? Why not an emergency repair account as the norm?

... When was the last time I wanted to visit family on the other side of the country, or world, and couldn't afford  to go or as often as I'd like? Why not a stay-in-touch travel account as the norm?

... When was the last time I didn’t have to charge a vacation? Why not a 'whenever/wherever' vacation account as the norm?

... When was the last time I took my family out for dinner, not fast food, and never had to charge it? Why not a family fun/bonding time account as the norm?

... When was the last time I could afford to save $400-$500 a month toward my retirement? Why not an income stream that passes through family generations as the norm?

... When was the last time I had access to an extra $500-$1000 to give away, if need be, without concern of getting it back? Why not a percentage of income account for charitable and emergency giving as the norm?

... When was the last time I was able to take care of all my special occasion shopping without charging it? Why not a percentage of income 'special occasion' account as the norm?

... When was the last time I proclaimed gruffly, “There must be a better way!”, “I hate Monday’s!” or “Why me!” in reference to my current J.O.B? Why not ALL PEOPLE working a JOB out of passion, including self, as the norm?

We are not alone!

... Why is it that the women of Kenya must walk near 4 kilometres daily, to find potable water, in the 21st century? WHY?

... Why is it that millions rise daily around the world in constant wonder if food and water will be part of their diet for the day, let alone how that day, or the next, will end? WHY?

... Why is it in today's day and age that anyone, anywhere, at anytime, would have to rummage through a waste site to find enough salvageable materials to sell to buy food? WHY?

This is real life stuff happening in one form or another on all 7 continents across the globe, and all in a day and age when man has walked on the moon (360,000 kilometers or 224,000 miles away), flown faster than the speed of sound (doing so since the 40's), and with the technology to create almost anything and everything he sets his mind to; and yet, he can't or won't, solve the above miniscule in question! 

A self funding financial system, as proposed by Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., that can enable the masses, the same freedom and equal opportunity as, freedom of speech, freedom of life, and/or freedom of faith, can lead us to resolving all of the above, with money to spare for the individual, business, charity and government bodies worldwide.

PS...if you're an unbeliever, or, one who believes there is no harm in monitoring these unselfish, boisterous claims, you're both invited to bookmark this blog and keep watch.

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., October 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Can You Relate to The Struggles?

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Launching Any Day Now - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning 

Can you relate to the struggles?

* Living on credit, paying bills, and stockpiling life time debt, is demeaning and frustrating

* Having to rise in constant wonder of where food or water will come from, or how today or tomorrow will end, is sad and inexcusable

* Paying the phone with food money, gas with laundry money, or rent in instalments, is not something done by choice

* The need to visit a waste site daily, in hopes of finding enough materials, to sell to buy food, is disheartening that man would allow it

* For an African woman from Kenya, to walk on average of 3.7 miles, daily, for potable water, in today's day and age is unnecessary

Does Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., believe all of the above can be resolved...absolutely! Our membership will go live soon--keep watch at or take a closer look at what's coming - HERE (The JOIN NOW or LOGIN buttons do not work on this site)

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Launching Any Day Now - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning. 

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Trucker, Nurse, Doctor, Painter, Writer, Competitive Athlete

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Launching Any Day Now - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.

In 1996, what started out as a fill-in job, while I was back in school, soon became a consulting job, at a not so busy truck stop, owned jointly by a Franchisee and Petro Canada. For the next 6 months, I came to know some of the finest people God ever put breath into; TRUCKERS, both male and female.

A general consensus over said 6 months, was confirmed in brief, by one Trucker who told me: "I'm in need of a new truck, and twenty years ago," he said, "I could buy the truck I drive now for about $30-$35 thousand dollars. Today, I will be lucky to buy the truck I need for $125,000 dollars. Also back then, twenty years ago, I was being paid about $1.25-$1.35 a mile, and today, twenty years later, I'm lucky if I make .90 cents a mile; not to mention the ridiculous price of fuel!"

Why do I bring this up? First, that story alone was a disaster and full of heartache 17 years ago, WHAT ABOUT TODAY? And I happen to have great admiration and respect for truckers; they are one of the most disrespected and unappreciated workers on the face of our planet, and yet, everything we have in our possessions comes in a truck.

And worse still, the real truth of the matter is, if we are honest, and stop kidding ourselves otherwise, it doesn't matter whether we drive truck, taxi, are a Nurse, Doctor, Painter, Writer, competitive athlete, Tour Guide, Architect, Lawyer, Dentist, Bus Driver or a Steeple Jack, we all have serious debt, apart from the odd exception, we all live on credit, and are burning out as a result of too much money and no time, or no money, with all the time in the world to fight a system where it is impossible for us to win--AND THE GOOD NEWS COULD BE--Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Membership, soon to go live, has a solution to solve all our problems, to never ever have to worry about money again; modestly and legally, by way of a self-funding system, where nobody loses, and everybody can win...guaranteed!

So then, a very real and fair question becomes: "Will you continue doing what you have been doing to get what you have been getting, while burning out in the process, or will you take notice of the very thing that can turn your life upside down to the point of living with the choices, of doing the JOB you choose to do, when you choose to do it?

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Launching Any Day Now - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning. 

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

The Regrets

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Launching Any Day Now - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.

  • WE have a degree, but unable to find work in our specified field 

  • WE have a degree, but trying to avoid the use of credit while attempting to stay ahead of the cost of living, is not feasible

  • WE have no college or university, a good job, but living on credit to pay bills is exhausting, a

  • WE have no education to speak of, another OK job, but living to exist takes the fun and joy out of life

  • WE have a small pension and living without choices is a place we never thought we would end up...and we're not alone! 

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Launching Any Day Now - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning. 

Monday, 16 September 2013

Guilty as Charged

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Launching Any Day Now - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.

  • If it's naive to believe our J.O.B. system is leaving us broke, living on credit and stockpiling debt, founder if UM Inc., is guilty as charged 
  • If it's naive to believe in a solution to prevent the need for a person to seek out a 2nd or 3rd job, founder is guilty as charged 
  • If it's naive to believe in a self funding financial system over a top-down administered system, founder is guilty as charged
  • If it's naive to believe that accountable, people-first, integral leadership, is at an all time low, founder is guilty as charged 
  • If it's naive to believe full eradication of global hunger, thirst and debt, is possible, founder is guilty as charged

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Launching Any Day Now - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning. 

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Earned Income Portfolio Income Passive Income

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Launching Any Day Now - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.

Allow Robert Kiyosaki to explain this insightful and life altering perspective
(1 min 53 sec)

Earned Income—is that which an employee would earn, trading their time for a pay check, and the most highly taxed of all (30-50% norm); work 9-5 you get paid what you are told you will be paid, less deductions. If you don’t work a shift, depending if you are eligible or not, you may or may not get paid. If eligible, this would only be for a short time frame before you are no longer on the payroll, if you decide to just not show up for work. 

Portfolio Income—might be an example such as Capital gains income (20% tax bracket norm). Sell a house and by keeping the profit, that can be seen as Portfolio income ... all countries and states or provinces would have their own guidelines. 

Passive Income—may be seen as investment income; earnings from stocks, bonds, mutual funds, commodities and property/rental income as well. Also an income stream that comes in from a source on a regular, ongoing basis, whether you are in bed, on the beach, walking the dog or volunteering your time somewhere. Excessive passive income may be experienced when your income continues to grow on its own, in the form of a monthly raise for example, without any further effort on your part.  

For far too many years, with a pressing $250,000 of music investor debt of my own, that quickly doubled, as well appreciating very quickly that the masses were fast heading toward having the largest debt load in history, a solution had to be found for the benefit of ALL PEOPLE.

A large number of online and offline guru's have been monitored very closely since 1996, including, but not always, for the need to purchase their materials and test them out to see what could and could not work; let's just say if even a small percentage of them could do as boasted, yours truly would have been a billionaire by this time, lol, and sharing it with every soul in need I could find...but sadly not the case, and at a cost of nearly $50K to scams and cons.

***You are encouraged to read the post "Beware of What Can and Cannot Work," for starters, as this is pretty much what was found 99.9% of the time for 17 years, and online especially, will take every nickle/hundred dollar bill you can throw at it with zero return. 
Online business does not work period--hype is not money in your pocket!

Considering the great advancements made in computer technology, while also appreciating that the majority will always be computer illiterate (knowing basics only such as email, send/receive/save, browse the net, online banking), which is really all one needs to take advantage of this technology, Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., has come up with a solution that is literally 100% fail-proof when implemented, with perhaps 2-5% at most, of online computer capabilities required to change a life and the lives of millions around the world.

This is a bold statement and claim, I agree, however, first, the solution needed, had to fit the values and principles of its founder, "what good is a man if he is not a man of his word," and when said miracle must be for the benefit of ALL PEOPLE, not some or a select few, then nothing less would be acceptable.

Second, this miracle had to fit with the KISS PRINCIPLE, like a glove, and it does, by using the absoluteness of mathematics (numbers don't lie) and the power of empathy in action (if we need a miracle others must need one also).

And lastly, the miraculous solution found, would have to be so certain, that its founder would be able to offer a substantial reward ($10K), approved by his legal counsel (Mills & Mills), to anyone, who could prove to the world that Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Membership was anything but as claimed.

In closing, as founder of UM Inc., allow me to reassure you of a few essential points:
  • Only with unselfish motives, is this membership ideal being presented and represented--people must come first and accountable trustworthy people must lead.
  • Always with humble and simple initiatives, for the benefit of the masses, is every step taken at UM Inc.
  • Never in an arrogant or disrespectful tone is a word spoken, especially when addressing the reward; founder does not come from money, thus the reason he can so easily relate to the masses. 
  • The underlying vision of UM Inc., is that instead of progressing from the agricultural age into the industrial age, and into our current information age, for good reason, the time has come to move into the equality age, where no one loses, everyone wins, and the self-funding system presented by Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., can be used as a primary income source using the ZEAL referral process, while our current JOB system carries on as our services and skills, builder and provider; people working a JOB out of passion and no longer out of need for its monetary return.

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Launching Any Day Now - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning. 

Friday, 13 September 2013

You Can Beat The Odds Why Live Pay Check to Pay Check

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Launching Any Day Now - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.

The gas & oil companies raise their prices, warranted or not, because they can!

The food industries raise their prices, warranted or not, because they can!

Your benefits at work, if any, will continue to rise, warranted or not, because they can!

The beef and dairy conglomerates, as one example, can pay off the Media to hide great discoveries like The China Study, and still raise the prices of the seriously unhealthy products they sell, warranted or not, because they can!

And there is NOT ONE THING YOU AND I CAN DO to stop them, or the cycle, of unwarranted price hikes.

You could get a 2nd or 3rd JOB!
You could downsize your living arrangements!
You could downsize your vehicle or vehicles!
You could budget yourself into a more accommodating grocery list!
You could take the cash in place of holidays/time-off!

Or, you could say enough is enough and consider watching closely, very closely, to what's coming sooner than later at Unselfish MOTIVES Inc.

HINT: It will cost you $5 a month to never, ever worry about money again, period!

CAUTION: If you're thinking this is a waste of your time, please ask yourself this question:
"Would a guy walk away from a multimillion dollar music management deal, leaving $250K dollars of investor debt on the table, do research and study for 16+ years, to advertise to the world  a gimmick or scam of any kind; not to mention, promote a $10K dollar reward to anyone who can prove what he claims is anything but the absolute truth?"

Not likely! You are invited to watch...just watch...ask some posts on his blog ( and you may find yourself in a whole lot better place in 2-4 months down the road than if you had done nothing.

PS...Founders legal advice came from one of the largest legal networks in North American ( ... are they fools and cons also?

PPS...You and your family are worth more! People must come first! Accountable and integral leadership is paramount! Face to face relationships must once again take precedence to win back trust! 

Keep watch!

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Launching Any Day Now - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning. 

Thursday, 12 September 2013

You're Not Alone Living Behind The Eight Ball

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Launching Any Day Now - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.

You're not alone living behind the eight ball, is another attempt to help counteract the feeling that the masses face day in and day out, wondering to themselves: "is it just me that feels like I'm living with more month than money, month after month, paying bills, living on credit and who always seems to be refinancing or consolidating something to stay afloat in this rat-race called life?" 

For all it's worth, no you are not alone on this. The J.O.B (Just Over Broke) system is fueled by the masses (you and I), in said system, which in turn is constantly feeding the rich and famous lifestyles of its orchestrators because of its pyramidal, top-down leadership design.

Here is an excerpt from my upcoming book, to share why you are not alone when you feel you are constantly living behind the eight ball of the mercy of the archaic structure of the JOB system.

The masses have debt -ON PURPOSE- to keep you coming back!
Cash advance businesses are here -ON PURPOSE- to keep you coming back!
The rich get richer & the poor get poorer -ON PURPOSE-  to keep you coming back!
Full time jobs are now Part Time & Casual -ON PURPOSE- to keep you coming back!
The cost of living stays ahead of incomes -ON PURPOSE- to keep you coming back!
Employees pay the most tax -ON PURPOSE- to keep you coming back!
A charge/credit card takes years to pay off -ON PURPOSE- to keep you coming back!
Refinancing is available anytime -ON PURPOSE- to keep you coming back!

The 'ON PURPOSE' is your money going into the pockets of a system we cannot beat and is in dire need of assistance or replacing.

On the miraculous side of this story, Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., membership ideal, a solution who's time has come (just about ready for testing), will no doubt appear to many as nothing less than a miracle, literally, because it is capable of gradually taking over as a primary income source, while everyone's JOB, if you will, will simply carry on to fill our need for services and skills, builders and providers etcetera; in other words, people will be working their JOB out of passion, and no longer for the income it returns--thus the miracle for the family, business, charities and government bodies worldwide, who cannot help but all benefit greatly in one form or another.
  • Would an individual, no longer under constant duress of living on credit, paying bills and stockpiling lifetime debt, or just feeding the family, not live with more peace of mind and with time to think of more important things?
  • Would a business not experience less pressure from its staff, less sick calls, and a more proficient work ethic from a person who is passionate about what they do?
  • Would charities not more easily raise money from people who actually have money in their pockets above and beyond the prior empty or shallow at best?
  • Would government bodies, globally, not benefit as a result of not having to pay out billions on social, economical and old age security programs, to name a few? 
UM Inc., will be one of many similar ideas to come, some good and some not so good; there will always be the 'GREEDY,MONEY' first leaders.

On that note, if we stay positively focused on people-first leadership, learning to trust and follow the right people, knowing what and who to avoid and hold on to, which is shared very heavily in my new book, 'Kevin Simpson's Unselfish MOTIVES," we will progress just fine.

When Solomon speaks of money as being everything, he meant everything. However, the sooner we learn to appreciate that money itself is not the root of all evil, but the love of money is, progress will then, and only then, take on new meaning, including our own willingness to get wisdom on how to best handle what it is we are given.

"Chasing money is the curse, having money is the freedom, knowing what to do with it is the blessing"--K.M.S

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Launching Any Day Now - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.