Monday 16 September 2013

Guilty as Charged

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Launching Any Day Now - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.

  • If it's naive to believe our J.O.B. system is leaving us broke, living on credit and stockpiling debt, founder if UM Inc., is guilty as charged 
  • If it's naive to believe in a solution to prevent the need for a person to seek out a 2nd or 3rd job, founder is guilty as charged 
  • If it's naive to believe in a self funding financial system over a top-down administered system, founder is guilty as charged
  • If it's naive to believe that accountable, people-first, integral leadership, is at an all time low, founder is guilty as charged 
  • If it's naive to believe full eradication of global hunger, thirst and debt, is possible, founder is guilty as charged

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Launching Any Day Now - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning. 

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