Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Going Live October 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.
Maxed Out: Just so you know why you're not alone
You can win by putting more in the bank than what is coming out, by receiving ongoing monthly raises, by taking advantage of a system where nobody loses; everyone wins right alongside their own escalating self worth.
Our membership company, about to go live mid-October, 2013, will allow two key things to take place:
- Access to a membership of a different league (people-first, accountable leadership), that provides credible, positive and relevant, educational, inspirational and leadership courses and materials that will continue to grow, as a library, and in inventorial value, for as little as $5 a month...including renowned household names; all material is specifically designed in layman (easy, easy, easy) terms, capitalizing on the KISS principle while good old fashion logic and common sense helps lead us back to the basics of real, face to face living, in an attempt to rebuild long lost self-esteem and self worth.
- A pyramid-free, self funding, membership referral system that can almost immediately begin generating a passive monthly residual income (monthly raise), that will continue to grow automatically and legally, for the benefit of all participating members, keeping everyone ahead of the constantly rising cost of living; ahead of the eight ball of life and no longer behind it.
By allowing the absoluteness of mathematics (numbers don't lie) to work in our favour, automatically, when we put the true power of empathy into action (realizing our membership miracle can also benefit those whom we love and/or respect the most, also), life takes on new meaning.
Give this following question some real serious thought, and then, keep watch for us going live!
"If, the only thing standing between you and never having to worry about money again, your whole life, was to take a miracle and pay it forward to just 5 people whom you love and/or respect the most, that would ultimately cost you only $5 a month to keep it, would you do it?"
Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,
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