Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Launching Any Day Now - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.
Could you become passionate about your JOB if your income for livelihood was not reliant on said JOB?
If you had a choice, would you change your JOB?
Would 'just another JOB' solve your restlessness?
Will you continue doing your JOB, whether you are passionate or not about it?
Are you content with life as is in its current survival mode?
Do you often think about how you would like to make things better for you and your family?
Do you pay off your Credit Card every month?
Do you believe it is OK to live with debt?
Do you believe it to be the norm to have debt?
Do you believe it is possible for you to have no debt?
If, the only thing standing between you and never having to worry about money again, your whole life, was to take a miracle and pay it forward to just 5 people, whom you love and/or respect the most, that would ultimately cost you only $5 p/m to keep it, would you do it?
The latter question is the 'Ultimate Question' chapter, from my book, "Kevin Simpson's Unselfish MOTIVES," soon-to-be-released in conjunction with a membership ideal that follows 17 years of study and research to find a solution to resolve the unnecessary contemplation and worry about life, as a result of a failing financial (JOB) system that leaves the individual, business and charitable organizations constantly scraping the bottom of the barrel for the breather they so deserve.
Please note, that Government can also be added to this list, if we include the detrimental fact, that the JOB system is at the mercy of good times only; not recession and/or war. Everything from the top down in bad times suffers exponentially, and if the bottom of the JOB pyramid is already suffering while in good or OK times, where does that leave the masses?
Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., and its Membership ideal, brings a favourable winning solution to the drawing board for all of the above, especially the masses, because it is a self-funding system; $5 a month is nothing, when the soul means of income is the result of a whole lot of peoples efforts (Membership).
To the left, we see the JOB system pyramidal layout where the unhappy employee's survival, at the bottom, is based on 100% of their own efforts.
Immediately below that, we find a reverse pyramidal layout where all income is the result of an equally balanced and fair system that is self-funded by the people/members, who all share jointly and equally, without human intervention, a percentage of a whole lot of peoples efforts, and not based on 100% of their own; clearly a winning formula that is needed in today's day and age.
Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., will go live any day now...keep watch!
Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,
Kevin Simpson
Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Launching Any Day Now - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.
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