Sunday, 8 September 2013

Pride is Killing us - Empathy will Free us

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Launching Any Day Now - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.

Watch me first! (2 min 45 seconds only)

Pride is killing us, empathy will free us, is as straight forward honest and bold as we can get. 

Now if by chance we're willing to let down our pride defenses, and hear how this 'EMPATHY,' idea can turn our finances around, so we never have to worry about money again, please read on. 

Pssst! Be sure to watch the short video above before proceeding.  

As it is now, globally, we honestly believe that the life we live, at this very moment, is all there is, just part of life, living according to the cards we were dealt. 

In too many parts of the world, that would mean, living without the most basic of needs; potable water and eatable, nutricious food. 

In other parts, especially North America, we live, by living on credit, paying bills, stockpiling life time debt, and all at the mercy of a system that is loving us to death, by providing us all the credit, refinancing, remortgaging, consolidated monies we want (not need), while said system orchestrators get fatter and fatter on interest payments, fees, and exuberant hidden bonuses, that we are foolish enough to keep believing in and paying, as though helping us, while playing the losing game of debt, for life.

The 2:45 video above shows how simple it is to implore the likes of empathy, in this case, good deeds, as in bringing 'The Good Samaritan' story to life for example, and sensing how a world can be changed by putting such unselfish acts of kindness into action. 


Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., is saying: "Every act of kindness we do is EMPATHY in action, so while we're at it, even alone as a solution, we pay our UM Inc., membership miracle forward (everyone needs, wants and can afford for only $5 p/m), to those whom we love and/or respect the most, face to face, with those whom we can most readily relate to, so they too can receive the miraculous benefit of never ever having to worry about money again."

My friends, pride is killing us (and will keep us from acting) and empathy will set us free (help us transition into the age of equality-a self-funding system where everyone wins).

You are worth it and so is your family and all whom you love and/or respect the most.

GOING LIVE, sooner than later, keep watch! :) :) :)

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Launching Any Day Now - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning. 

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