Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., COUNTDOWN TO GO LIVE - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.
Let's just say, that the masses are desperate for a break from the day-to-day monotony, to the point of playing the odds, at least in North America, by the billions. And let's say that yours truly, doesn't believe this to be 100% greed, but rather, a clear indication of the life and times we are living—people are tired of hotdogs when Prime Rib is available—or playing second fiddle in a world where equality for all should take precedence—tired of working and nothing but debt to show for it—or scrounging day to day just to survive.
There are a number of questions to be asked of ourselves. And more so, to establish just how ignorant 'we' can be, by defying the reality around us, concerning our own home, or that of those on all corners of the earth.
Will you defy truth, cling to pride, stay as you are, or change?
Will you sit in your comfortable chair, on your dairyer, because you can, or shouldn't, and pretend that everything around us is OK?
Let's be honest with ourselves!
... When was the last time you had zero debt?
... When was the last time you never had to worry about a credit card payment as a result of zero balance?
... When was the last time you did the kids back-to-school, or holiday shopping, without having to charge it?
... Why must the women of Kenya walk 4 kilometres daily to find potable water, considering, this is the 21st century?
... Why is it that millions rise daily around the world in constant wonder if food and water will be part of their diet for the day, or have need to fear as to how that day or the next will end?
... Why is it that anyone, anywhere, at anytime, would have to rummage through a garbage can, or site, to find food to eat, or instruments to play (Landfill Orchestra)?
... When was the last time you wanted to visit family on the other side of the country, or world, and couldn't afford to go, or as often as you'd like?
... When was the last time you had a vacation; and/or didn’t have to charge it?
... When was the last time you went out for dinner, not fast food, and never had to charge it?
... When was the last time you could afford to save $400-$500 a month for your retirement?
... When was the last time you had access to extra money to give a needy friend, or favourite charity, without concern of getting it back?
... When was the last time you had a simple but urgent car, or house repair, and didn't have the money to fix it?
... When was the last time you proclaimed gruffly, “There must be a better way!”, “I hate Monday’s!” or “Why me!” in reference to your current J.O.B?
This is real life stuff happening on all 7 continents across the globe, all at different degrees of urgency according to economical circumstances! But why?
Let's face it, we all need a good swift kick in the behind once in a while to awaken us from the stooper of life; especially our own!
So why do I continue to worry about anyone else but myself? Because we need different! Because I choose to be different and extremely unselfish! Because I see others, everywhere, as better than myself! Because the masses do not know how to speak up for themselves! I don't know!
In closing, from a different angle, I just read a short story from Short Story America, entitled, 'Fallout Shelter,' by Laura S. Jones, and to justify the kind of person I am, who will always say it as it is, I'm for 'Bill' in this story. He refused to participate in political correctness, to celebrate the life of a man, who had just passed, whom Bill knew, this to-be, celebrated man, had lived his life as a racist; Bill lost his job as a result of taking that position...that's me!
A Spade must always be called a Spade. It's not a Club or a Heart, or otherwise, it is a Spade and that cannot be changed.
Commandments are commandments, not suggestions! Yes is yes, and no is no, and neither one, is maybe. 1 + 1 = 2; it is not 3 or anything but, 2, no matter how we choose to see it.
Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., is the 'Bill'' who speaks up for the benefit of ALL PEOPLE; it is the commandment, the yes, the no, or the '2'...exactly as it should be, shouting from the rooftops, that all may benefit, even though, those receiving said benefits, are unable to speak up for themselves.
And Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., is what we all need, whether we realize we need it or not.
Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,
Kevin Simpson
Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., COUNTDOWN TO GO LIVE - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.