Tuesday, 12 November 2013

People's Needs Must Take Precedence Over Business

I must confess, many times in my life, I have found myself being swayed, and/or being misguided, down the wrong path of life, and before I know it, I'm consumed with an incorrect mindset, which would lead to a selfish end result, all thanks to the wrong questions being asked, or principles being applied, along the way.

Regarding Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., I know the right questions and principles are being implemented, and yet, my frustrations have too often gotten the best of me. 

After all, we should have been up and running as of September 1st, at the latest, right! And how many times since then, has the launch of this great membership been delayed? Does the God in whom I believe, not know how unselfish this vision is? Does He not know how important this can be, and will be, for the masses? Have I too been forsaken?

In the midst of my selfish rant, the news media broadcasts, that thousands of Philippine people, have just died, or lost near everything they have lived and worked for all their lives, in a flash. And then I sensed a personal broadcast message that said: "Kevin, people's needs must take precedence over business."

I must practice what I preach; people must come first, always! And really, had our membership been up and running, there isn't much more I could do to help, personally, other than having access perhaps, to a much larger sum of funds to place into the hands of the experts, like Salvation Army for example, to do what they do best; console, reassure, restore hope, provide comfort, food, water, shelter, and blankets, etcetera.

So my friends, as you can see from the above few paragraphs, even unselfish motives can become selfish, if we are not careful. 

In closing, I will confess, and you need not believe as I do, but we will all win (only) because of His (God's) timing, not mine, yours, or my programmers, when it comes to the chosen release date of Unselfish MOTIVES Membership. 

As we are patiently awaiting this great moment, to go live, let us reflect and be certain that our personal priorities and motives are deeply rooted in unselfish means, and, that the needs of others are first and foremost met with genuine, caring hearts.

PS...Even after being assured by my programmer at 1300h today, that we are only 2-3 days away from testing the site, I also felt it essential to reassure him, following his many apologies for said delays, "Jim, it will be in His perfect timing that we go live, not yours or mine."

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., COUNTDOWN TO GOING LIVE-FOR REAL - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning. 

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