Friday 4 October 2013

If trading our time for a pay check was still working...

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Going Live October 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning.

If trading our time for a pay check was still working...appreciating that the very thing we've been told to avoid for years (the pyramid scheme) is in actual fact our JOB pyramid ...
  • Why does the JOB system favour the upper pyramid and not the lower ... is this fair?

  • Why are Full-time jobs being replaced with Part-time & Casual jobs ... what about stability? 

  • Why do the masses need more than one job ... is it cool to have 2 or 3 jobs? 

  • Why do the masses have bad credit ... is the norm the new standard? 

  • Why are the masses stockpiling debt ... should a way out not be the priority? 

  • Why is everything not paid in cash ... are all not worthy of a healthy bank account? 

  • Why is refinancing and consolidation so readily available ... are bonuses and billions in interest and fees more important than people? 

And why should anyone accept crumbs when prime rib should and could be available to all—on all seven continents?

On the other hand, Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Membership ... 
  • Is ideal and fair for the better of ‘ALL’ people ... level playing field, affordable, and with no favouritism, no CEO's, and no heirachy or seniority  

  • Is ideal, putting into practice ‘Pay it Forward,’ going above and beyond ... walking in the shoes of another in need and sharing the solution 

  • Is ideal, to remove ‘ALL’ hunger, thirst, debt ... including the pay check to pay check lifestyle 

  • Is ideal, delivering the option of having financial choices in life ... from existing to living 

  • Is ideal, to provide the hope of a monthly raise ... from wishful thinking to reality ... and staying ahead of the ever increasing cost of living  

  • Is ideal, enabling quality family time ... no longer money issues and refreshing to know it isn’t 

  • Is ideal, to bring a burning passion to life ... no more should I, or could I, but just doing it, with the money to act on it  

Just a thought in favour of the majority needing change!

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Going Live October 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - and where hope will take on new meaning. 

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