Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Everyday People, Everyday Problems, Blue Collar, White Collar, No Collar, Issues

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Coming to You - September 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - where hope will take on new meaning.



Everyday people, everyday problems, blue collar, white collar, no collar issues, is merely identifying, that no matter who we are, we are all in the same boat, same J.O.B (just over broke) system, living behind the eight (8) ball, as the cost of living continues to accelerate, while the financial rewards in return for hours worked at said J.O.B's, are all but halted to a standstill.

Before exiting and running in the opposite direction, for your sanity, and many whom you love and/or respect, this post must not be seen as whining or complaining, but rather, more of a poke if you will, to wake us all from our hectic stupors of life, back to reality, to receive a little long lost logic and common sense that undeniably confirms and substantiates, "WHAT WE ARE DOING IS NO LONGER WORKING!"

We might want to ask ourselves, "has our J.O.B system ever really worked in our favor?" When given some serious thought, prior to jumping the gun, unless we have been sitting at the top of the castle, from day one, as the CEO (Chief Executive Officer), orchestrating the puppets on the strings (the masses), as to who wins and who loses, it really hasn't ever been in our best interest.

The Media, government agencies, as well as the Police, have long done a better job than they might think, on keeping people aware of what a pyramid scheme might look like, as seen immediately below, and how we need to avoid such a thing at all costs; I give a first rate kudos to them! Bravo!

Crazy thing is, when we look closely at the photo to the left, and then at the photo directly below it, we begin to see, in actual fact, what we've been told for years to avoid is the very structure of our J.O.B (just over broke) system, that is killing us...keeping the masses (you and I included) broke.

If you're reading this, you're part of the masses, otherwise, you'd be off on your Yacht or traveling the world by one of the many rich and famous means...or perhaps, by way of private chauffeur to boot, but most definitely anywhere but here. :)

You be the judge! You tell me! Does the pyramid photo immediately above, which is exactly as the pyramid we are to avoid, not depict our current J.O.B system?

Money rises, just like cream and heat, however, considering this is about money, in the above two photos, the masses, the unhappy employees, do not rise alongside the money, thus, the reason why said masses cannot keep up, and are left behind, working 25, 35, or sometimes 45 years, only then to retire and drop dead within weeks, or if lucky (or however you see it), they get to live on 60%, of what 100%, while working, was barely able to maintain true hope and dignity. 

And yet, somehow, the system orchestrators' (CEO's, Tycoon's & financial institutions, etc.) continued to thrive through it all, as our renowned rich and famous, eating prime rib, thanks to the loyal and faithful employees (grunts) in the basement, who are left with what's affordable.

And low and behold, to our immediate left, we have an unselfish depiction of a system that fuels itself, where there are no orchestrators' (king pins filling their pockets), and no one is left behind, having to worry about the inevitable constant rise in the cost of living; one might say we have a much more favorable, level playing field.

And dare I mention that this is the very miracle that Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., is about to release in less than 30 days (September 2013); a book and membership ideal with the power to fund the inexcusable lack of simple basics such as potable water and feeding the hungry around the globe.

This also means it is capable of eradicating three more plagues that haunt our human race; 
  • DEBT (the worst ever in the history of mankind); 
  • CHARITABLE FUNDRAISING CHALLENGES (no more need to compete with the shallow/empty pockets of the general public); 
  • PAYCHECK to PAYCHECK LIFESTYLES (especially North Americans, who are almost hypnotically directed to purchase more stuff we don't need, don't want and can't afford)...crafty marketing techniques, right!
When something sounds good, looks good and also feels good, that just so happens to have a people-first, accountable, and unselfish leader at its helm, with the power to change the world, but only at the hands of each individual, taking his or her part, it is reasonable to assume that this is indeed a good thing.

I invite you to bookmark this blog...to keep aware of what is coming, and just as importantly, allowing me to prove my purpose and unselfish motives, for your benefit and that of the masses, with a miraculous solution that can come alongside our evident and failing J.O.B system, and begin healing and removing the financial setbacks of the individual, business, charity and government bodies around the world.

Looking forward to meeting you all soon!

PS...This wonderful, inspirational and charming woman, as real as they come, Ms. Doris Buffett, welcomed me with open arms recently, that she might sign 13 copies (my own included), of her 'life story book,' that will be given away on one of our launching Webinars; an essential read for a hurting world, that is about to change, as hope takes on new meaning.

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted, 

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES COMING TO YOU - September 2013 - A MIRACLE WITHOUT THE DISAPPOINTMENT ... where hope will take on new meaning.

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