Friday, 30 August 2013

When Was The Last Time You Received a Raise/Bonus at Work?

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Coming to You - September 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - where hope will take on new meaning.

Whether we are the foreman, founder/CEO, bookkeeper, and/or salesman and negotiator of our own company ... 

... the best legal counsel in the courtroom ... 

 ... the Intern on our way up, with mere 20 hour days as part of the package ...

... the top of the class honours student, unable to find a job in our specialized field ... 

... a supermom or dad, trying to keep peace, harmony and balance in our household ... 

... the wanna-be-actor, with all the potential in the world, trying to memorize lines before, after, and during work hours, on breaks, or whenever time allows, working as a Part Time Maid ...

... or the best food chain regional manager, since sliced bread, in our own humble opinion, squeezing in lunch, as the new norm, while beefing up enough positive thinking and energy, in a desperate attempt to make that millionth impression count ...  

... the real heart of the matter still remains, against our better judgment (as no one likes to admit when we're beat), that we are still flesh and bones, human, with a heart that beats like everyone else's, and a life style that is scarce to stop and smell the roses, let alone, take time for family, can only take its toll on a body that can only take so much; evidenced in everyday Media and everyday conversations, with colleagues, friends and neighbours. 

So is it necessary to drive ourselves crazy, living for TGIF (Thank God it's Friday), with either more time than money or more money than time, as the cost of living continues to rise, and the J.O.B., provides the same repetitive uncertainty?

With that spoken so eloquently, two quick questions to close, and then you decide if I am either, crazy, or a little out there with something worth looking in to.

"Have you ever danced with the devil?" Yours truly, has! The book I am about to release, to coincide with Unselfish MOTIVES Membership, with the solution I boast about, that has taken me near 17 years as of this moment, was to be on the shelves in September-November of 2011. It sort of made it, but by the time it was released, it had to be pulled off the shelves for politically correct reasons. 

Let's just say I was not a happy camper, and it really does come pretty easy, to suddenly find ourselves dancing with the devil, not caring if we should wake or not, when we feel we've been, or about to be, beat undeservingly, one more time, which has become the norm, with a global outpouring of pathetic leadership, getting away with anything and everything, without consequences, including the likes of Presidents, Pastors, Sports and Hollywood celebrities, Priests, and Financial self-centered, greedy, and money-first-leaders to no end...all living off the true nuts & bolts of society, the little guy, the one paying their bonuses, salaries, taxes, fees and on and on it goes--should a system be supported that is not supporting us!

"When was the last time you received a raise/bonus at work?"

Even if you're a business owner reading this, you're in the right place, because, unless you are a serious conglomerate with a big heart, you are not in a position to keep much above survival yourself (CHECK THIS - where E = Employee * S = Self-Employed * B = Business Owner * I = Investor), let alone pay your staff a monthly raise, or annually, that would come anywhere near allowing said staff to keep up with the cost of living anyhow.

There is a solution just around the corner. And from day 1, it had to be something that the masses needed, wanted and could afford, that could resolve their financial worries, forever, if: 

A/ They would find it within themselves to enjoy the journey and take this miracle and pay it forward to just 5 people, whom they love and/or respect the most, who could also use a miracle to take care of their own personal circumstances. 

B/ If they could take care of 'A', putting empathy into action, then the absoluteness of mathematics (numbers that don't lie) would automatically take care of all the the point of  being 100% fail-proof.

So am I crazy, or just out there?

Allow me to share a good old country expression: FILL YOUR BOOTS!

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Coming to You - September 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - where hope will take on new meaning.

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