Friday, 30 August 2013

When Was The Last Time You Received a Raise/Bonus at Work?

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Coming to You - September 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - where hope will take on new meaning.

Whether we are the foreman, founder/CEO, bookkeeper, and/or salesman and negotiator of our own company ... 

... the best legal counsel in the courtroom ... 

 ... the Intern on our way up, with mere 20 hour days as part of the package ...

... the top of the class honours student, unable to find a job in our specialized field ... 

... a supermom or dad, trying to keep peace, harmony and balance in our household ... 

... the wanna-be-actor, with all the potential in the world, trying to memorize lines before, after, and during work hours, on breaks, or whenever time allows, working as a Part Time Maid ...

... or the best food chain regional manager, since sliced bread, in our own humble opinion, squeezing in lunch, as the new norm, while beefing up enough positive thinking and energy, in a desperate attempt to make that millionth impression count ...  

... the real heart of the matter still remains, against our better judgment (as no one likes to admit when we're beat), that we are still flesh and bones, human, with a heart that beats like everyone else's, and a life style that is scarce to stop and smell the roses, let alone, take time for family, can only take its toll on a body that can only take so much; evidenced in everyday Media and everyday conversations, with colleagues, friends and neighbours. 

So is it necessary to drive ourselves crazy, living for TGIF (Thank God it's Friday), with either more time than money or more money than time, as the cost of living continues to rise, and the J.O.B., provides the same repetitive uncertainty?

With that spoken so eloquently, two quick questions to close, and then you decide if I am either, crazy, or a little out there with something worth looking in to.

"Have you ever danced with the devil?" Yours truly, has! The book I am about to release, to coincide with Unselfish MOTIVES Membership, with the solution I boast about, that has taken me near 17 years as of this moment, was to be on the shelves in September-November of 2011. It sort of made it, but by the time it was released, it had to be pulled off the shelves for politically correct reasons. 

Let's just say I was not a happy camper, and it really does come pretty easy, to suddenly find ourselves dancing with the devil, not caring if we should wake or not, when we feel we've been, or about to be, beat undeservingly, one more time, which has become the norm, with a global outpouring of pathetic leadership, getting away with anything and everything, without consequences, including the likes of Presidents, Pastors, Sports and Hollywood celebrities, Priests, and Financial self-centered, greedy, and money-first-leaders to no end...all living off the true nuts & bolts of society, the little guy, the one paying their bonuses, salaries, taxes, fees and on and on it goes--should a system be supported that is not supporting us!

"When was the last time you received a raise/bonus at work?"

Even if you're a business owner reading this, you're in the right place, because, unless you are a serious conglomerate with a big heart, you are not in a position to keep much above survival yourself (CHECK THIS - where E = Employee * S = Self-Employed * B = Business Owner * I = Investor), let alone pay your staff a monthly raise, or annually, that would come anywhere near allowing said staff to keep up with the cost of living anyhow.

There is a solution just around the corner. And from day 1, it had to be something that the masses needed, wanted and could afford, that could resolve their financial worries, forever, if: 

A/ They would find it within themselves to enjoy the journey and take this miracle and pay it forward to just 5 people, whom they love and/or respect the most, who could also use a miracle to take care of their own personal circumstances. 

B/ If they could take care of 'A', putting empathy into action, then the absoluteness of mathematics (numbers that don't lie) would automatically take care of all the the point of  being 100% fail-proof.

So am I crazy, or just out there?

Allow me to share a good old country expression: FILL YOUR BOOTS!

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Coming to You - September 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - where hope will take on new meaning.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

How Simple is Simple?

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Coming to You - September 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - where hope will take on new meaning.

How simple is simple, is best answered, as is the answer to the equation of '1 + 1' and without the need for paranoia/paranoya.

You may recall from a few posts back, me giving reference to the aircraft engineer, Kelly Johnson, said to have been an organizing genius, being responsible for coining the acronym KISS (Keep it Simple Silly).

I'm a huge fan of this acronym, mainly for the benefit it provides to the masses; not everyone has a degree; many, for whatever reason, and often beyond their control, are limited in the quantity and complexity of information they can process, therefore, I personally strive to present all my material as simply, or in layman terms, possible, for the benefit of 'ALL PEOPLE."

So where's the beef, the proof in other words, of how simple is simple, you ask?

Everything a person needs, to begin reaping the miraculous benefits of Unselfish MOTIVES Inc. membership, is the following.

  • How to count to five -- if people choose to refer others for income supplement or replacement, we suggest helping 5, as this will change our world, for all, equally.
  • How to turn on a computer and open and save an email -- a receipt is provided for the email we use and the UserID we create (ex: winner or, george or, 007 or, winbiz or, superman or, ???), when we register for membership.
  • We must be referred, so when we register, we do so from the members website who referred us.
  • All members open, and have verified, a FREE Paxum Personal online payment/receiving account. -- This company was specifically and purposely, handpicked as our exclusive banking system processor; first, because of their security measures, and second, because of integral, people-first, unwavering style of doing business, that was found to be unmatched in the marketplace, including, 128 bit encryption, as with all banking systems - more info HERE.

NOTE: We choose "Personal Account," when registering with Paxum. Because of high security practices, we all verify with Paxum that we are who we claim to be, to protect us and avoid any fraudulent and criminal activity. Verification may take 3-7 days, more or less time, depending on how busy membership registration is -- good news is, we are all that much closer to removing the financial dilemmas that haunt us, so enjoy the journey and appreciating patience. :)

Document verification tip: North Americans - best NOT TO USE Passports. Drivers License and Country ID, that shows clearly our home address, is best and less tedious. 

  • Once our Paxum account is verified, and we connect our Credit Card (Visa/Master Card - best/quickest/simplest) and/or our own local bank account to it, we simply deposit enough into our new Paxum account to cover at least 1 month for membership {2 months is best if possible - $5 p/m to admin using their email address + $25 p/m to person who referred us using their email address - all info found on email receipts}.
  • Graciously and unselfishly, without obligation, we then take our UM Inc. membership miracle (called ZEAL), and pay it forward (refer), to just 5 people whom we love and/or respect the most; everyone's in debt and in need of their own solution to address their own financial circumstances...and that's it!

And the most exciting point saved for last, the whole intention long before the ZEAL Referral element was added to the mix, is that UM Inc. membership is in a league of its own, providing credible, positive and relevant, educational, inspirational and leadership courses and materials that will continue to grow as a library for years to come, with new and renowned household names, soon to be added to our catalog.

You are probably beginning to appreciate, that finally, your ship has come in, and you're right; something everyone needs, wants and can afford is exactly as I promised, the miracle without the disappointments, and where hope takes on new meaning.

I will be honored and privileged to meet you and your family and to hear your story.

Keep watch for our opening Webinar, right here, or on FaceBook or Twitter ...

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson 

Unselfish MOTIVES COMING TO YOU - September 2013 - A MIRACLE WITHOUT THE DISAPPOINTMENT ... where hope will take on new meaning.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

You Have a Gift You Have a Purpose as Did And Does Leslie Grace Martínez

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Coming to You - September 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - where hope will take on new meaning.

This post, 'you have a gift, you have a purpose, as did and does, Leslie Grace Martínez,' could be noted as an in your face wake up call to anyone sick and tired of being sick and tired, with where they are in life; where am I going, how will I get there, or worse still, unable to handle the constant and ever increasing regrets, such as, "If only I had done this or that, I wish I could do this, I wish I could do that, I wish, I wish, I wish," ... and on goes the mind in battle. 

Am I striking a nerve? lol This is real stuff, let me expand a bit.

First, just to get this off my chest, as a politically incorrect, 23 year music veteran, why can't the marketing geniuses leave well enough alone. This Latino 'marv' would have bulleted to #1 using her last name, Martínez, just as well as 'Grace,' or even 'Leslie' on its own; to hell with always having to north-americanize everything we do, especially canned singers, all coming out sounding like the last one, like a bunch of Austin Power's 'Mini-Me' singing machines ... BORING! Why not just good old fashioned individuality like Miss Martínez delivers...the difference of an apple to an orange. Listen to her sing (Listen Here), it doesn't get any better, especially with the Latino edge.

Secondly, how would all this have played out had this singing wonder not been born in the United States? Would she still be where she is now? Not likely! 

Same incredibly distinct voice, same eye-popping beauty, full of dreams and talent coming out the wazoo, but without the money to get us where we need to be, meeting the right people, who can make things happen, we are nothing more than what the infamous band, Kansas, pinned as "Dust in the wind." 

I think you're getting my drift. Everyone has a gift to share and a purpose to fulfill, and unless they have access to the funds to make it happen, which the masses do not, they must rely on other means, which again, always takes money. 

The kicker is, our J.O.B, just over broke system, that leaves people frustrated, discouraged, angry and more importantly, without hope, broke and stockpiling debt, is simply no longer able to fulfill its well intended purpose; even Solomon teaches us in Ecclesiastes, that money is everything.  

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., and its ZEAL membership program, launching in September, is the miracle without the disappointments that everyone needs, wants and can afford, for the ultimate end result of only $5 a month...not to mention, the original and solely intended, all inclusive/exclusive benefits that come with membership, providing credible, positive and relevant, educational, inspirational and leadership courses and materials, for the benefit of all ages, for years to come.

KEY UNSELFISH, NON-BOASTING POINT: There really are still people in this world who choose to accomplish nothing of any great significance, unless they can take others with them; in other words, the kind of people-first, accountable leadership we are desperate for, on all four quarters of the earth, who will earn your respect and trust in due time, is yours truly.

The solution needed, globally, has been sitting under our noses for years, and it's called, Pay it Forward (everyone wins); otherwise, we are dead in the water, just as shared above.

NOTE: The 'Pay if Forward' I am speaking of must NOT be confused with MLM (Multi Level Marketing), which is similar, however, MLM carries a 98% failure rate, is headed up by money-first-leadership and full of every kind of product imaginable that you, family, friends, neighbors and enemies, could use, but rarely need, don't want and can't afford, that needs to be avoided at all costs, at this time; THIS IS ABOUT YOU, not them and certainly not me.

Before proceeding, I invite you to take just 2 minutes-45 seconds to watch the following video clip

Mathematics is absolute, numbers don't lie and empathy on its own, carries the power to change any life, any business or organization, any time and anywhere, if naturally and genuinely incorporated, and that is what the above Pay it Forward clip and full movie is all about. 

In this case, in exchange of prioritizing the good deeds (which we never want to stop doing anyhow), we pay forward to those we love and most readily relate, the miracle that Unselfish MOTIVES membership delivers; the power to remove our financial bondage forever (100% fail-proof). 

Bookmark this blog, so when launched, together, we will be able to say we were part of one of the biggest age transitions in the history of mankind. 

*** Instead of moving from the agricultural age to the industrial age, or into our current information age, for good reason, the time has come to move into the equality age, where no one loses, everyone wins, and the self-funding system, presented by Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., is used as a primary income source, while our current JOB system carries on as our services and skills, builder and provider...people working a JOB out of passion and no longer out of need. ***

Never forget...YOU ARE WORTH IT!

PS...the non-profit sectors should be all over this like white on rice--introduce it to its membership base, and fund project after project after project...ingeniously KISS simple! :) see HARD CORE EVIDENCE, an apples to apples comparison, of how this proposed miracle can be 100% fail-proof, and where the money will come from, just read the previous post, 'Everyday People, Everyday Problems.'

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted,

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES COMING TO YOU - September 2013 - A MIRACLE WITHOUT THE DISAPPOINTMENT ... where hope will take on new meaning.


Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Everyday People, Everyday Problems, Blue Collar, White Collar, No Collar, Issues

Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., Coming to You - September 2013 - A miracle without the disappointment - where hope will take on new meaning.



Everyday people, everyday problems, blue collar, white collar, no collar issues, is merely identifying, that no matter who we are, we are all in the same boat, same J.O.B (just over broke) system, living behind the eight (8) ball, as the cost of living continues to accelerate, while the financial rewards in return for hours worked at said J.O.B's, are all but halted to a standstill.

Before exiting and running in the opposite direction, for your sanity, and many whom you love and/or respect, this post must not be seen as whining or complaining, but rather, more of a poke if you will, to wake us all from our hectic stupors of life, back to reality, to receive a little long lost logic and common sense that undeniably confirms and substantiates, "WHAT WE ARE DOING IS NO LONGER WORKING!"

We might want to ask ourselves, "has our J.O.B system ever really worked in our favor?" When given some serious thought, prior to jumping the gun, unless we have been sitting at the top of the castle, from day one, as the CEO (Chief Executive Officer), orchestrating the puppets on the strings (the masses), as to who wins and who loses, it really hasn't ever been in our best interest.

The Media, government agencies, as well as the Police, have long done a better job than they might think, on keeping people aware of what a pyramid scheme might look like, as seen immediately below, and how we need to avoid such a thing at all costs; I give a first rate kudos to them! Bravo!

Crazy thing is, when we look closely at the photo to the left, and then at the photo directly below it, we begin to see, in actual fact, what we've been told for years to avoid is the very structure of our J.O.B (just over broke) system, that is killing us...keeping the masses (you and I included) broke.

If you're reading this, you're part of the masses, otherwise, you'd be off on your Yacht or traveling the world by one of the many rich and famous means...or perhaps, by way of private chauffeur to boot, but most definitely anywhere but here. :)

You be the judge! You tell me! Does the pyramid photo immediately above, which is exactly as the pyramid we are to avoid, not depict our current J.O.B system?

Money rises, just like cream and heat, however, considering this is about money, in the above two photos, the masses, the unhappy employees, do not rise alongside the money, thus, the reason why said masses cannot keep up, and are left behind, working 25, 35, or sometimes 45 years, only then to retire and drop dead within weeks, or if lucky (or however you see it), they get to live on 60%, of what 100%, while working, was barely able to maintain true hope and dignity. 

And yet, somehow, the system orchestrators' (CEO's, Tycoon's & financial institutions, etc.) continued to thrive through it all, as our renowned rich and famous, eating prime rib, thanks to the loyal and faithful employees (grunts) in the basement, who are left with what's affordable.

And low and behold, to our immediate left, we have an unselfish depiction of a system that fuels itself, where there are no orchestrators' (king pins filling their pockets), and no one is left behind, having to worry about the inevitable constant rise in the cost of living; one might say we have a much more favorable, level playing field.

And dare I mention that this is the very miracle that Unselfish MOTIVES Inc., is about to release in less than 30 days (September 2013); a book and membership ideal with the power to fund the inexcusable lack of simple basics such as potable water and feeding the hungry around the globe.

This also means it is capable of eradicating three more plagues that haunt our human race; 
  • DEBT (the worst ever in the history of mankind); 
  • CHARITABLE FUNDRAISING CHALLENGES (no more need to compete with the shallow/empty pockets of the general public); 
  • PAYCHECK to PAYCHECK LIFESTYLES (especially North Americans, who are almost hypnotically directed to purchase more stuff we don't need, don't want and can't afford)...crafty marketing techniques, right!
When something sounds good, looks good and also feels good, that just so happens to have a people-first, accountable, and unselfish leader at its helm, with the power to change the world, but only at the hands of each individual, taking his or her part, it is reasonable to assume that this is indeed a good thing.

I invite you to bookmark this keep aware of what is coming, and just as importantly, allowing me to prove my purpose and unselfish motives, for your benefit and that of the masses, with a miraculous solution that can come alongside our evident and failing J.O.B system, and begin healing and removing the financial setbacks of the individual, business, charity and government bodies around the world.

Looking forward to meeting you all soon!

PS...This wonderful, inspirational and charming woman, as real as they come, Ms. Doris Buffett, welcomed me with open arms recently, that she might sign 13 copies (my own included), of her 'life story book,' that will be given away on one of our launching Webinars; an essential read for a hurting world, that is about to change, as hope takes on new meaning.

Your friend, confidant, leader and business partner to be counted on and trusted, 

Kevin Simpson

Unselfish MOTIVES COMING TO YOU - September 2013 - A MIRACLE WITHOUT THE DISAPPOINTMENT ... where hope will take on new meaning.